While homesteading in the modern age sets a goal of becoming self-sufficient, for many, it ultimately is a spectrum that each person, farm or business can work towards. We feel as though no movement is too big, or too small to accomplish if you set your mind to it - and giving back to animals + earth, helps us all achieve a more self-reliant lifestyle as we grow closer to nature. Wild Feather Farm is home to a menagerie of wonderful feathered and fluffy animals who truly are the heart and soul of our adventures here. We strive to provide them an amazing life, where they can enjoy their days in the Texas sunshine, while doing their parts to contribute to the sustainable lifestyle that is our mission. As we make a conscious effort to create a positive impact, we take into account each miracle of life that lives here with us on our small homestead.

Blanche & Co. were the very first animals to arrive on the farm and served as a 'gateway' to exploring other poultry and livestock. Blanche, Peach, Birdie, Poppy and a few others were a part of our original flock and hold a special place in our hearts. Our favorite breeds include, Barred Rocks, Marans, Olive Eggers, Legbars, Welsummers, and Cochins. We enjoy collecting rainbow eggs, and love our mixed flock of both rare and heritage breeds. The coop currently houses an upwards of 40+ hens and roosters. The flock free ranges on grass, wildflowers, bugs and tossed out garden scraps.

Although these feathery lawn ornaments do appear to be only interesting yard art, they have an important purpose on the farm, and they take this job quite seriously.... Goose Patrol!! Our Sebastopol geese serve as flock protectors and are great at sounding the alarm when predators or guests appear. Sebastopol geese are a fairly docile breed, that have long, curly feathers making them quite rare and fairytale-like. Arrow, Aurora, and the rest of the crew have truly special personalities, and were raised as day-old goslings here on the farm.

Remie and Gypsy are two adorable Australian Shepherds who really are the glue that holds the whole operation together! Remie is a Black-Tri, and Gypsy is a Blue Merle and are such perfect dogs for our lifestyle. Always by our sides, these girls are up for all the farm adventures. They help collect eggs, babysit the younger animals, enjoy taste testing carrots, tomatoes or berries from the garden, and are always in the middle of whatever project is underway.

Coming soon -- Spring of 2021!

Paisley, Willow and Lemon are the cutest farm kitties! All rescues, they have found their way into our hearts and add a bit of entertainment and cuddles, to our lives. Paisley is a calico, and Willow is a siamese mix, who both love warm, sunny naps in the greenhouse. Lemon is a tabby and was bottle-fed as a baby by us, when he became orphaned. Lemon has a very special bond with Shannon, and his favorite spot is to be perched like a parrot on Shannon's shoulders!

Wild Feather Farm is home to Nigerian Dwarf and Nubian dairy goats, Ella, Marigold and Moonshine. The goats have an easy-going life consisting of eating, lounging, hanging out with the donkeys, getting into trouble, and then of course more eating. We have had kids born each spring, and love having the babies, as they add such a fun season to the farm. We hope to one day make hand-crafted goats milk soaps infused with herbs and flowers from the garden.

Blossom and Apache are two adorable mini donkeys that we found at a local rescue. They have an extremely special bond and can always be found together. Although they are very shy, we've found the way to their hearts is through their stomachs! Both enjoy being fed their special treats, which include apples, molasses cookies and fresh carrots pulled straight out of the garden. We have enjoyed watching their sweet personalities bloom as they have become more comfortable and settled into their forever home.